Profile: Khosrow Bayat

bayatKhosrow Bayat is a graphic and creative designer, typographer, commercial artist, and advertising specialist of international reputation. He started his designing career by joining his friend the late Morteza Momayez at The Kayhan Publishing Company while he was a student at The Faculty of Fine Arts in painting at The University of Tehran. He later joined Iran Air as The Art Director and worked his way up to the Advertising Manager position. In 1974, he received his MA Degree in Graphic Design and Commercial Arts from Royal College of Art in London, England.

Bayat’s extensive experience as a designer, art director, educator, and creative director in the international arena include collaborations with Kinneir Calvert Tuhill Design Consultant London, Guyatt Jenkins Design Consultant London, Faber & Faber Publisher London, Art Council of Great Britain London, Faculty of Decorative Arts Tehran, George Brown College Toronto, and DSL Consultant in Toronto.  In 1982, he founded Novograph Studio in Toronto.

His work has been published, exhibited, and won many awards including The International Advertising Association Crystal Globe Award Dublin, The International Poster Biennial Exhibition Award Warsaw, Times Newspaper London, The National Book League Exhibition of the Best Book Jacket London, Novum Magazine Germany, The International Poster Exhibition & Publication FAD Group Barcelona Spain, The Annual Exhibition & Publication of D&AD London.

His enthusiasm for revival of Iranian Culture led him to design and develop The IranDapiere, the new alphabet for Farsi and other Iranian languages.